Dec 3, 2012 | Events
Dr. Edgar Blanco hosted a workshop in São Paulo: Volatile Urban Environments with Universidade de São Paulo.
Aug 2, 2012 | Events
Dr. Edgar Blanco hosted a workshop in Bogotá: Small Store Logistics with the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI).
Jun 13, 2012 | News
Thanks to the help of my colleagues at Monterrey Tech and the support of Sergio Caballero (Ph.D. student), the agenda of the first Megacity Logistics Workshop in Mexico City is all set. The full agenda can be found here. We have a great set of speakers including my...
Jun 5, 2012 | News
Six workshops have been scheduled as part of the first year activities of the Megacity Logistics Lab. The workshops will be held in Mexico City, Bogota, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago and the MIT Campus. Learn more here.