While our mission is to enhance both academic and practical understanding of last mile delivery, we also believe education is a primary goal of our mandate. By providing classes and offering research opportunities to Master and PhD students, we aim to empower future academics and decision makers.
Classes offered by MLL

SCM.293 Urban Last-Mile Logistics
Spring 2019. Second half of term. Matthias Winkenbach, MLL Director
In this new class, students will explore specific challenges of urban last-mile B2C and B2B distribution in both industrialized and emerging economies. Matthias Winkenbach, MLL’s Director, will help participants develop an in-depth understanding of the perspectives, roles, and decisions of all relevant stakeholder groups, from consumers, to private sector decision makers, to public policy makers. The class will discuss the most relevant traditional and the most promising innovating operating models for urban last-mile distribution and introduce application of the essential quantitative methods for the strategic design and tactical planning of urban last-mile distribution systems. This class will also cover basic facility location problems, deterministic and stochastic network design problems, single- and multi-echelon vehicle routing problems, as well as associated approximation techniques.
What our students/researchers say
Over the past few months, I have been working on a project regarding future delivery modes and assessing which model is most appropriate for each urban context. This has been a challenging project in which I have learnt a great deal.
What I love about MLL is that the demanding environment is complemented by a tight, fun loving team. Although we work in the same field, we really do tackle different issues which makes for a fantastic learning opportunity. It really is a unique experience.
As a visiting student I stayed at MLL for six months during which I had the chance to work on two projects. The first was related to omni-channel retailing and another on a comparative study of last-mile delivery networks in the EU and USA.
Working at MLL provided a great chance to expand my analytical skill-set while being immersed in an inclusive and stimulating environment.
MLL is definitely one of my most valuable experiences in my professional life: you get to work on large-scale problems real-world projects while collaborating with smart and interesting people. For example, we are working on the algorithmic design of drone-assisted delivery systems to minimize the delivery time to customers.
smart-thinking and design with innovative ideas toward efficient and effective implementation of such projects, while having fun, is an unforgettable worthwhile experience at MLL.