Jun 30, 2014 | News
Seven undergraduate students from ITESM campus Santa Fé joined the MIT Megacity Logistics Lab for a summer research program on urban logistics, welcome!
Feb 25, 2014 | Events
Earlier this month, the MIT Megacity Lab, in partnership with TU Eindhoven and ITESM hosted a workshop on urban freight challenges in large metropolitan areas.
Feb 15, 2014 | Events
Dr Edgar Blanco shared his vision on megacity logistics as the keynote speaker in Foro IndustrialTec, hosted by ITESM in Mexico City.
Feb 16, 2013 | News
The Megacity Logistics Lab has a tumblr page with some memorable photos from our workshops, visits and activities: http://megacitylab.tumblr.com
Jul 14, 2012 | News
Megacity Lab hosted the workshop Mexico City: Innovation in Megacity Logistics. In collaboration with ITESM. Here is the agenda and the attendees.