The nanostore

My colleague Jan Fransoo and myself have coined the term nanostore to refer to the wide variety of small shops, owner operated and usually much smaller than convenience stores, that abound in emerging markets, specially in megacities. Some of our ideas on the unique...

MIT Megacity Logistics Lab awarded two MISTI grants

We have been awarded two additional MISTI 2012-2013 Seed Fund grants (check the announcements here and here). We will be working with our partners in Rio de Janeiro and Santiago de Chile over the summer, including two 2-week long trips by MIT researchers to gather...


The Megacity Logistics Lab has a tumblr page with some memorable photos from our workshops, visits and activities:

Mexico City Workshop

Megacity Lab hosted the workshop Mexico City: Innovation in Megacity Logistics. In collaboration with ITESM. Here is the agenda and the attendees.